Support the Barn
603 Bushwick Ave
Brooklyn, NY 11206

Fire Safety Public Training

Sat, December 10 '16


On Saturday, there will be a two-part training centering fire safety preparedness and how to safely facilitate crisis in a public space. This event is open to anyone in the DIY community in the hopes to empower organizers and show-goers to respond with clarity in the event of a number of emergency scenarios.

The workshop will be structured in two parts: fire safety safety training and emergency crowd facilitation with a medical emphasis.

Fire Safety Training (12-2) - We will be discussing preventative measures to keep DIY spaces safe(r), best practices when running events, electrical safety, how to use a fire extinguisher, how to leave a building in the event of a fire, and how to prepare for other weather conditions.

Emergency Crowd Facilitation (2-4)- We will discuss the concept of medical triage, how to advocate for vulnerable parties in the wake of a crisis, and how to identify life-threatening conditions and communicate them to EMS and 911, amongst other things.

The goal is to disseminate easy to understand knowledge that can inform our practice as organizers in the DIY world. If you are interested in attending the event, please bring note-taking equipment and a light snack if needed.

See you all Saturday morning!