Support the Barn
603 Bushwick Ave
Brooklyn, NY 11206

Thank You!

Silent Barn was established thanks to the donations of hundreds of individuals, and operates through extensive volunteer support. We are so grateful for the dedication, support and contributions of everyone involved in the maintenance and enhancement of this project.

A special thank you to our 2015 members!

Eric Wohlforth, Michael DiSanto, Brandon Zwagerman, Nicholas Cummins, Eli Dvorkin, Drew Mcdowall, Jackson Randall, Ryan Walsh, James McNally, Brad Kim, Alexander Lau, Peter Hung, Brian Abelson, Patrick Leggett, Evan Yankey, Kris Petersen, MP Lockwood, Rebecca Richards, and Walter Wlodarczyk.

Additional thank you to our community of supporters in 2014

Kunal Gupta, Ghostly International LLC, Sara G Rex, Eric Du, Young Lee, Phillip Nguyen, William F. Ingraham IV, Naomi J. Youngstein.

Thank you to the 7 Pillar Chefs of the Silent Barn, without which we could not have created this physical space!

  • Joe Ahearn
  • Jane Dickson
  • Robin Enrico
  • "Thurston Moore"
  • Aaron Isaksen
  • Tom Swirly
Sincere appreciation for those who gave to the Silent Barn Holiday Fundraiser in 2013.
And last but not least, to our 753 supporters who gave to Rebuilding the Silent Barn Kickstarter. Without you, the Silent Barn would not be possible.
Infinite thanks for the creation and maintenance of our website by Mike Gioia.