Support the Barn
603 Bushwick Ave
Brooklyn, NY 11206

Our Mission

Silent Barn is a collectively directed art space in Brooklyn, New York. Functioning round-the-clock as a center of multidisciplinary experimentation, Silent Barn is a place to produce, present, and interact with art of all forms.
In addition to hosting public performances and events, Silent Barn is home to a complex of studio and living spaces which serve as an experimental sandbox and public platform for a variety of individual artistic, cultural, and entrepreneurial projects. Residents live and work amid artistic activity as caretakers of Silent Barn, extending a feeling of welcome to audiences and artists.
Silent Barn is a non-hierarchical organization in which all members are equally empowered; it is a social and administrative experiment. Collective curation brings together diverse artistic practices, creating a climate which uniquely supports accessibility, discovery, interaction, and participation. Eclectic programing showcases both emerging and established artists, and gives a wide variety of communities the space to form, connect and develop.
Legalizing the all-ages, DIY ethos enables Silent Barn to engage with the broader public. Its financial model disperses sources of support to preserve autonomous, multilateral decision-making and curation. Silent Barn exists thanks to the donations of hundreds of individuals, and operates through extensive volunteer support.