Support the Barn
603 Bushwick Ave
Brooklyn, NY 11206

Silent Barn Safer Spaces Policy

The Silent Barn is a community art space committed to being a safe, respectful and positive environment. Silent Barn supports experimental artists by providing a space for free expression of all people. We believe that many hierarchical structures allow a minority of people to have a voice at the expense of silencing others, and that the most interesting, spontaneous, and creative ideas can best be realized in spaces where an anti-oppressive policy is nurtured with intention and care.
In maintaining this ethos, we feel it is important to directly confront social hierarchies and oppression as they manifest within our space and at our events. We define oppressive behavior as any kind of uninvited physical contact, sexual or otherwise, as well as comments or other behaviors that are racist, sexist, homophobic, or transphobic, ableist, classist, ageist, or otherwise discriminatory on the basis of physical appearance, orientation, gender presentation, ability, or cultural, economic, ethnic, national, educational, or religious background. Silent Barn will not tolerate language or behavior that is oppressive.
Individuals who have engaged in oppressive behaviors outside the Silent Barn will still be held accountable within it. Those with a history of being called out for sexual assault or abuse or other oppressive behaviors may not be permitted entry into the space.
A safe and respectful community is everyone’s responsibility. We encourage you to make friends and look out for each other. If you see someone who might be in trouble, don’t hesitate to ask them if they need support.
The Silent Barn’s Safer Spaces Working Group is committed to upholding this policy. Any member of the Silent Barn collective may ask you to leave at any time if your behavior makes others uncomfortable. If something or someone is making you feel unsafe at the Silent Barn for any reason, please tell a staff person, or write to the working group directly at:
The Silent Barn
a no-mean-players space
"don’t be sleazy, be cool"